Biology GK in English Quiz 5

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Biology GK in English Quiz 5

Biology GK in English Quiz 5 has 10 questions. For correct answer you will get 3 marks & for wrong answer -1 (minus 1) mark. After submitting Answer sheet, you can check right and wrong answers as well as your total marks.

All the Best !!

1. The protein quality of food ingested by a person is determined by the


2. Saprophytic organism is


3. Typhoid is caused by


4. Sponges belongs to the phylum


5. In male reproductive system, the testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called __________.


6. Who discovered Circulatory System?


7. The stone in human kidney contains mainly


8. Primary organs of photo synthesis are


9. Deficiency of iron causes


10. The parasitic algae is



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